
Nick DeBenedetto
In 2011, Nick DeBenedetto retired as a local police officer after 26 years of service and began serving in a full-time capacity as the counseling pastor at his home church in north Phoenix.
While completing his master’s degree in Biblical Counseling, God revealed more clearly his sovereignty and goodness through the writings of many of the reformers.
In January of 2017, Nick began his Master of Divinity degree at Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary and is currently working his way through his coursework.
Nick has been blessed by God to be married to his bride Cindi since 1987. They have six sons, six daughters-in-law, and six grandchildren.
Email: nick@redeemerrbc.com

Pete Smith
In 2016, Pete Smith retired from police work after 21 years of service. He earned an advanced degree in Security Studies from the U.S Naval Postgraduate School and teaches graduate courses at Arizona State University. Pete and his wife Lori met in high school and have been married since 1990. They have three married children and six grandchildren.
Pete served as an elder in a local church for eight years before becoming part of the RRBC core group in June 2018. In August 2018, Pete began coursework for a Master of Divinity Degree at Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary.
Email: pete@redeemerrbc.com

Mark Flin
In 2018, Mark Flin retired after 38 years as a software engineer in government military work.
Mark and his wife Carol met in a local church college group and have been married since 1981. They have two married daughters and seven grandchildren.
Mark has served as an elder and treasurer in a local church for more than 30 years. He and his wife became a part of the RRBC core group in October of 2018. Mark is currently serving as the RRBC treasurer.
Email: mark@redeemerrbc.com

P.J. Smith
PJ and Hannah have been married for 9 years and have 3 children. PJ has spent his entire life as a member of reformed churches. He has had the blessing of watching his father and grandfather lead churches as elders. He is currently enrolled as a Master of Divinity student at Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary and is preaching through the book of Daniel.
Email: pj@redeemerrbc.com

Paul Cavner
Paul and Lita previously were members at Desert Springs Bible Church (DSBC) for 25 years. Paul served three terms (9 years) as an elder at DSBC, including chairman of the management team during that time. He was also a member of the Mission board for 12 years at DSBC. Paul and Lita began attending RRBC in June of 2020. They have served as a member of the setup team since then and have completed the discipleship study class.
Email: pcavner@cox.net

Gerry Moss
Gerry hasn’t served in any form of a leadership position in the churches he has attended in the past. He never felt the calling to do so. However, that changed after God led, he and his wife Glenda to RRBC in 2020 during the Covid pandemic. That calling was awakened as RRBC began to grow and the Lord laid on his heart that it needed a structured leadership team.
He is retired, having served in various positions in the corporate accounting profession. He also started and was the primary principal in a graphic design company which was honored with various international creative awards during its existence. He is excited about serving his Lord, his church, and his elders as one of RRBC’s newest deacons.
Email: mossmanaz1953@gmail.com

Gerald Sanchez
Along with his wife, Cindy, Gerald is grateful to God to be serving at RRBC. After marrying in 1986, they served in evangelism, and youth and children’s ministries in two previous churches, becoming RRBC members in 2021. They consider themselves to be “infrastructure” people, desiring to serve their Lord in practical ways with their fellow brothers and sisters here.
Their three children are grown and on their own. A son and daughter live in the Phoenix Metro area. Another son and his wife reside in Denver and are active foster parents.
Gerald has had a variety of process engineering positions in the semiconductor industry for almost 30 years, then operated a small swimming pool contracting business for 7 years. He is presently working in financial services as a customer support specialist.