Our History

In November of 2016, a small group of us began meeting in a home to study God’s Word and pray that God would be pleased to plant a Reformed Baptist church in North Phoenix that exalts Christ and His Gospel above all.

God has been pleased to mature us in His grace and increase us in the number of disciples within our group since we first started meeting. It is our prayer that God would be pleased to have his Holy Spirit work in and through us now as a body of believers, His local church.

On November 18, 2018, we had our first service in the Milestones Charter School cafeteria. This facility served as our place of worship for over 3 years as God faithfully grew our church each week.

On August 14, 2022, we moved into the Milestones Charter School gymnasium as a result of God’s faithfulness and growth in our local body.

We want to extend a warm welcome to those seeking to understand who Jesus is and what it means to live in the incredible grace that our Redeemer has made possible.


what we believe

our history