Phoenix, AZ 85032
Located in the school Gym
Sunday School – 9am
Worship Service – 10am
Fellowship Meal – 11:30am
Prayer & Worship – 12:30pm
Children’s Sunday School (9am) is provided for children ages 3-to-12
Childcare during the Worship Service (10am) is provided for infants-to-4
About Us
Welcome to Redeemer Reformed Baptist Church. We are sinners saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. Our desire is to glorify God by proclaiming the good news that His Son Jesus has died for those who repent and believe in Him. We invite you to join us in growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus! We are a reformed baptist church located in North Phoenix.
Weekly Devotionals
Required Reading
Early in my college career a professor gave his advice, intending to save students money. (At that point in my life I was highly receptive [...]
Thought Wasps
My wife and I have had TSA pre-check for many years. As I was telling a friend about the convenience of shorter and faster [...]
Run to the Rock
“Petrofilia” is the term for someone who loves rocks. More commonly known as a “rock hound,” these amateur geologists are always picking them up [...]